Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another busy day! But all in well and God is good!!

I won't regail you with details of Wed. events as Connie and I were together for the day and she blogged the details already. I will say however, that God is alive and well in the Philippines and we are so honored to be a part of His work here! We finished our day having a wonderful meal together at Oasis, a Japanese restaurant in town. We were all VERY tired from the heat and business of the day but enjoyed the food and fellowship.

Thursday began early but we all had a great nights rest (which was unusual). Connie and I went with Bambi to do follow up with some visitors on Sunday and invite them to attend various cell groups, couple's date night (being hosted by Jake and Connie!) and Sunday worship service. We spent the morning walking through "homes" that were crowded and poor. People were bathing outside and doing laundry by hand. Young children were abundant and very curious of us. We handed out candy and soon gained popularity. The women we spoke to were kind and gracious and we hope that they will choose to attend the women's cell group that meets on Tuesday evenings. We are praying for a good turn out on Saturday night and would covet any prayer coverage!

This afternoon we (Jim, Connie, me, Tim and Bambi) were invited to a member's home (Grace) to share our testimony and visit with her and some of her family and friends. They seemed very interested and were willing to share some details of their lives as well. Tim said that our time with them was well received and much needed for encouragement. Jim's testimony was a true "God thing". I hope Jim will blog about that. Tonight we were supposed to do several children's cell groups but the rain prevented us from going as the groups meet outside. Well, that's about it for now! Keep up the prayers, they are working! :) Love to all, Debbie


  1. Marti and Ian DruckerJune 24, 2010 at 7:02 AM

    I am eagarly reading all the blogs from everyone, and sharing your work/adventure with our church family here. Wow it is amazing to hear of all the things you are into! Praise to our God for showing you all his hand at work in such a faraway land.Ian and I think of you all daily and are praying for all that God has is store for your group. Hi to all, excited for you all. can't wait to hear " the rest of the story"!! Stay safe and know you are all loved. Ian and Marti far far away by the seashore.wishn we were with you!

  2. So good to hear this. Each morning - the begining of your evening I have especially prayed for your sleep! This evening I'm praying for your day ahead.....
