Welcome to the official place for news and updates from the Frederick Church of Christ 1010 Philippines Missions Team. The trip officially begins June 14 when we depart by train from Baltimore to New York City to catch our flight from JFK International Airport at 12:50am, just barely into June 15. We'll be flying Korean Airlines, first to Seoul, South Korea to transit then on to Manila, the Philippines capital, arriving the morning of July 16 local date/time. We'll be met by Tim & Bambi Warden who will have driven 5 hours from San Fernando to pick us up, only to make the return trip with us in tow. The trip ends July 1 with our return to Frederick basically in the reverse order of our travels to the Philippines.
Our purpose is to assist and serve the thriving church Tim & Bambi started a few years ago in any way we can; to share the love of Jesus and good news about Christ to as many as we can; and to encourage the local church family there so they know they have brothers & sisters in Jesus that love them and pray for them daily from literally the opposite side of the earth. You can check out our schedule at http://www.google.com/
Here you can read updates (hopefully daily ones) from one or all of our six-person team. The team consists of: Jake & Connie MacLeod, Debbie Newcomer, Adam Newcomer, Mariel Pfister, & Jim Denison. We'd like to thank everyone in our church family and many elsewhere who have helped to make this mission trip possible through direct gifts, saving & giving spare change, bringing aluminum cans and other recyclable items to sell, donations to yard sales, purchasing Frederick Cooks! cookbooks, Cat's Meows of the FCOC church building, & Frederick Farkel games (all of which are still available for purchase - they make wonderful gifts!). This trip would not have been possible without the generosity of so many. Thanks!!!
So now we're gathering our supplies, packing our bags, still learning lots and asking many questions about the country and its people, and even trying to learn some phrases in the local language. Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare to leave and visit the blog when you can. We look forward to sharing our observations, thoughts, experiences, and feelings, especially many stories about the wonderful people we will meet.
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